the MedicalCARD
Ask now for the MedicalCARD
At our Clinics
Villa Gemma and Villa Barbarano
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For more information

Ask now for the MedicalCARD at our Clinics
Villa Gemma e Villa Barbarano.
Membership of the Medical Card program is free!!
- Free
- Discounted rates for specialist services
- Discounted rates for non-affiliated exams
- Prevention and screening programs at our Clinics
Applying for the Medical Card is simple.
Joining the program is free. You only have to fill in the registration form at Villa Gemma – Villa Barbarano Clinics at the outpatient admissions desks.
The Medical Card allows access to private rates and initiatives dedicated to the members of the loyalty program.
The Medical Card can be requested:
- at the counter – from Monday to Friday, from 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. at our Clinics
- by email – by sending an email to;
- by downloading the PDF form, to be delivered after filling in at our Clinics
Contact us now!
Do not hesitate to contact us for any information relating to the activation of the Medical Card or other.
The Medical Card allows you to take advantage of a 20% discount on specialist services and non-affiliated examinations carried out by the Clinics, excluding check-up packages, COVID swabs and vaccines.
All holders of the Medical Card, only and exclusively with their free, optional, specific and explicit consent that can be revoked at any time, will be constantly updated on the prevention and screening programs and on the promotion campaigns promoted by the Clinics, through all the Clinics communication channels in addition to the site
The MedicalCARD allows you to take advantage of discounted rates at the commercial activities belonging to the MedicalCLUB.
*check-up, COVID swabs, vaccines and combined services are excluded from this discount
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Via Lungolago Zanardelli, 35 – Toscolano-Maderno (Bs)
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Hotel Aquavite – Ristorante Boccondivino
Viale Zanardelli n. 155 – fraz. Fasano del Garda – Gardone Riviera (Bs)
Sconto del 10% sul soggiorno presso l’Hotel Aquavite Sconto del 15% presso il Ristorante Boccondivino |
Hotel Spiaggia d’Oro
Via Spiaggia d’Oro n. 15 – Barbarano di Salò (BS)
Sconto del 10% sul menù alla carta del Ristorante Sconto del 15% sulle tariffe standard di listino dell’Hotel le scontistiche non sono cumulabili con altre offerte in corso |
Ottica Copeta
Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II° n. 23 – Salò (BS)
Occhiali da vista: sconto del 20% sulla montatura esconto del 30% sulle lenti Zeiss Synchrony |
Ottica Salò
Via Montessori 1 – Centro Commerciale Due Pini – Salò (BS)
Sconto del 10% sugli occhiali da sole Sconto del 30% sugli occhiali da vista con lenti antiriflesso |
Parrucchiere Fashion Cut Snc
Via Cesare Battisti n. 46 – Ghedi (BS)
Sconto del 10% sulle tariffe dei servizi offerti |
Terme e Grandi Alberghi Sirmione S.p.A.
Piazza Virgilio n. 1 – Colombare di Sirmione (BS)
Tariffe scontate su tutte le prestazioni/servizi delle Terme Virgilio e sui prodotti della Linea Cosmetica e Acqua di Sirmione. Ai possessori della MEDICALCARD verra comunicato il dettaglio delle condizioni. |
- The Medical Card is intended exclusively for customers of Villa Gemma-Villa Barbarano Clinics, hereinafter the “Clinics”.
- The Medical Card allows the Cardholder to participate to initiatives, concessions and discounts on services carried out in a private regime by the Clinics.
- The Medical Card is reserved exclusively to people acting for purposes unrelated to a business or professional activity.
- Medical Card Card is issued completely free of charge and can be requested by filling in the paper form attached to these Regulations. Failure to sign and return the form or the incomplete or untruthful communication of the data necessary for its release will result in the revocation of the form or the impossibility of its The Owner also undertakes to communicate any changes to his personal data to the Clinics. The data provided by the Owner will be processed by the Clinics in accordance to the provisions of the legislation on the protection of personal data (EU Regulation 2016/679 and Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 “Privacy Code”), as specified in the specific Information at the bottom of these Regulations. Conditions of participation in the Medical Card and the information relating to the initiatives are made known to the Owner of the Medical Card through these Regulations issued in paper form and part of the The program allows access to prevention and screening campaigns (subject to limited places); to participate in initiatives dedicated to health and well-being. It also allows you to take advantage of special rates for specialist services and for non-affiliated exams carried out by the Clinics. Details of the relevant discounts are available on the website
- To join the Medical Card initiatives, it is necessary to present the Medical Card at the time of booking and/or outpatient acceptance. Failure to submit does not allow access to the benefits or initiatives promoted.
- The Medical Card is personal and non-transferable. The Owner of the Medical Card is entitled to only one Medical Card.
- The Owner of the Medical Card must promptly notify Villa Gemma-Villa Barbarano in the event of loss or theft of the same, by writing to medicalcard Until that time, the Clinics decline any responsibility for any use of the Medical Card by third parties.
- The Medical Card has an indefinite duration, unless terminated by the Owner to be communicated in writing at the outpatient acceptance desks of the Clinics or by email to the address The Clinics reserve the right to revoke the Medical Card at any time and without prior notice, in the event that it is used fraudulently or incorrectly or harmful against the Clinics or in any case in case of use in violation of this regulation.
- The Owner of the Medical Card may, at any time, renounce participating in the initiatives/concessions by returning his/her Medical Card to Villa Gemma-Villa Barbarano. The request for deletion of your data makes it impossible to continue using the services.
- All those who have requested it before booking a health service at the Clinics will be entitled to receive the Medical Card.
- The information brochures on the prevention and screening campaigns (subject to limited places) will be sent via email or, if you do not have an email address, will be sent in reduced format to the mobile number communicated via SMS. However, it will not be possible to send via SMS all communications relating to the initiatives promoted by the Medical Card.
Information pursuant to art. 13 of EU REGULATION 2016/679 AND OF D.LGS 196/2003 AND SS. MM.
Pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679, we inform you that Villa Gemma Casa di Cura S.p.A. will proceed with the processing of the data provided in compliance with current legislation and as indicated below.
- Data Controller. The Data Controller is Villa Gemma Casa di Cura S.p.A. , in the person of the legal representative Eng. Marco Bonometti. For more information or to exercise the rights referred to in point 11, you can contact the Data Controller at the headquarters or by sending an email to M-ACC.AMB-09 ed. 1 dated 01/09/2020 – Page 2/2 Registered office: Brescia, via Crocifissa di Rosa, 3 – Partita IVA 00303450175 – Cap.Soc. € 104.000
- Responsible for data protection. The Data Controller has appointed a Data Protection Officer (so-called DPO) who can be contacted for questions relating to the protection of personal data at the telephone number 0365 / 298.330 or at the email address
- Data processing. By treatment we mean any operation or set of operations performed on personal data, such as the collection, registration, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, use, communication, limitation, cancellation or destruction. The Medical Card (hereinafter also the “Card”) is requested by the Data Subject, as indicated in the Regulations and the data are collected on paper and/or electronically by filling in the appropriate form directly by the Data Subject. Data are processed in a lawful, correct and transparent manner in order to guarantee the confidentiality of data.
- Purpose of the treatment. The Data Controller uses the data provided by the Data Subject only for purposes related to the provision of the service relating to the Card and in particular:
- the management of the same,
- participation in the initiatives referred to in the Regulations, by sending information material on prevention and screening campaigns (services subject to limitations of places) organized at the Clinics. The information material will be sent by e-mail or, if you do not have an e-mail address, it will be sent in reduced format to the mobile number communicated via SMS. However, it will not be possible to send via SMS all communications relating to the initiatives promoted by Villa Gemma-Villa Barbarano. Villa Gemma Casa di Cura Spa can carry out market analyzes on the required clinical services, with the aim of improving the proposed offer, using aggregated data that does not allow the recognition of the interested party. In case of lack of consent, the possibility of enrolling in the program will not be affected in any way;
- customer profiling based on purchase choices, information and particular data pursuant to art. 9 of EU Regulation 2016/679 that the Data Controller processes or will only treat services performed with the use of the Medical Card (for example: tests performed, pathologies found, etc.). This category of personal data cd. details (formerly “sensitive data”) may be processed only with the free and explicit consent expressed in writing at the bottom of the application form; In case of lack of consent, the possibility of enrolling in the program will not be affected in any way.
- Legal basis of the processing. The legal basis of the processing carried out by Villa Gemma Spa is the execution of a contract of which the interested party is a party (pursuant to art.6, paragraph 1, letter b of EU Regulation 2016/679), i.e. provision of services connected to the Card, which the interested party accesses spontaneously. The data may also be processed to fulfill legal obligations imposed on the Data Controller (pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 1, letter c of EU Regulation 2016/679). In both cases, the consent of the data subject is not required.
- Provision of data and effects of failure to provide it. The data is provided by the interested party when requesting the card; mandatory data are marked with an asterisk sign (*). Data are necessary for the issuance of the Card and for the performance of the related activity: failure to provide the data makes it impossible to issue the Card and provide related services.
- Data retention. The data will be kept by the Data Controller for the time necessary to provide the service, in relation to the duration of the Card or the decision of the interested party to return the Card or the requests for deletion of data.
- Data processors. The processing is also carried out through the data processing managers appointed pursuant to art. 28 of EU Regulation 2016/679, which act on behalf of the Data Controller and on his instruction. The interested party has the right to obtain from the Data Controller the complete list of data processing managers.
- Communication of data to third parties and dissemination. The data of the interested party are communicated directly by the interested party, upon presentation of the card. In addition to the data processors, the data of the interested party may be communicated by the Data Controller to third parties who can access them for legal purposes or if there is a specific communication obligation for the Data Controller. In any case, the data will not be disclosed.
- Data transfer. The data is processed in Italy and will not be transferred outside the European Union.
- Rights of the interested party. The interested party has the right at any time to ask the Data Controller for access (Article 15 of the GDPR) and correction (Article 16 of the GDPR) of the data concerning him. You can also request the deletion of your data (Article 17 of the GDPR), the limitation of processing (Article 18 of the GDPR), to oppose to their processing (Article 21 of the GDPR) and the right to data portability in the cases provided for (art. 20 GDPR). In case of rectification or cancellation or limitation of the data, the Data Controller will communicate the changes to the recipients to whom the data are transmitted (Article 19 of the GDPR). In any case, the possibility for the interested party to contact the Guarantor Authority or to appeal to the ordinary judicial authority is reserved.