| D.SSA BERTA VANINA | Villa Gemma department doctors | | villa-gemma-department-doctors |
| D.SSA BONI SABRINA | Cardiology, Outpatient doctors, Villa Gemma department doctors |  | cardiology outpatient-doctors villa-gemma-department-doctors |
| D.SSA CARTELLA’ FIORENZA | Outpatient doctors, Obsterics - Gynecology |  | outpatient-doctors obsterics-gynecology |
| D.SSA COSSU LUISA | Vascular Diagnostics, Outpatient doctors |  | vascular-diagnostics outpatient-doctors |
| D.SSA CRISCUOLO LAURA | Outpatient doctors, Otolaryngology |  | outpatient-doctors otolaryngology |
| D.SSA DELLA BRUNA GIUSEPPINA | Image diagnostics, Ecografia, Radiology doctors, Radiografia convenzionale (RX), Risonanza Magnetica Nucleare (RMN), Senologia diagnostica, Tomografia computerizzata (TAC) |  | image-diagnostics ecografia radiology-doctors radiografia-convenzionale-rx risonanza-magnetica-nucleare-rmn senologia-diagnostica tomografia-computerizzata-tac specializations |
| D.SSA FRIZZI FRANCESCA | Outpatient doctors, Obsterics - Gynecology |  | outpatient-doctors obsterics-gynecology |
| D.SSA MALAFICO ELEONORA | Medico Ortottico | | medico-ortottico specializations |
| D.SSA MARAI LAURA | Outpatient doctors, Orthopedics and Traumatology |  | outpatient-doctors orthopedics-and-traumatology |
| D.SSA MARTIN EVA MARIA | Image diagnostics, Ecografia, Outpatient doctors, Radiology doctors, Radiografia convenzionale (RX), Risonanza Magnetica Nucleare (RMN), Tomografia computerizzata (TAC) |  | image-diagnostics ecografia outpatient-doctors radiology-doctors radiografia-convenzionale-rx risonanza-magnetica-nucleare-rmn tomografia-computerizzata-tac specializations |
| D.SSA MATTIOLI FLAVIA | Outpatient doctors, Neurology |  | outpatient-doctors neurology |
| D.SSA MELCHIORETTI RENATA | Densitometria ossea (DEXA), Outpatient doctors |  | densitometria-ossea-dexa outpatient-doctors specializations |
| D.SSA MOSCHINI GRETA | Outpatient doctors, Villa Gemma department doctors, Internal Medicine, Diabetology Service |  | outpatient-doctors villa-gemma-department-doctors internal-medicine diabetology-service |
| D.SSA RIZZI EMANUELA | Geriatrics, Outpatient doctors, Villa Barbarano department doctors, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation |  | geriatrics outpatient-doctors villa-barbarano-department-doctors physical-medicine-and-rehabilitation |
| D.SSA SCOLARI SILVIA | Densitometria ossea (DEXA), Outpatient doctors, Villa Barbarano department doctors, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation |  | densitometria-ossea-dexa outpatient-doctors villa-barbarano-department-doctors physical-medicine-and-rehabilitation specializations |
| D.SSA VOLTOLINI ANNAMARIA | Outpatient doctors, Obsterics - Gynecology | | outpatient-doctors obsterics-gynecology |
| DOTT. ANZOLA GIANPAOLO | Outpatient doctors, Neurology |  | outpatient-doctors neurology |
| DOTT. ARNONE SALVATORE | Anesthesiology | | anesthesiology |
| DOTT. AZZOLA FLAVIO | Outpatient doctors, Orthopedics and Traumatology |  | outpatient-doctors orthopedics-and-traumatology |
| DOTT. BANI PAOLO | Outpatient doctors, Internal Medicine |  | outpatient-doctors internal-medicine |
| DOTT. BELLI BORTOLO | Outpatient doctors, Orthopedics and Traumatology | | outpatient-doctors orthopedics-and-traumatology |
| DOTT. BONANDI LEONARDO | Coordination of training activities and scientific coordination |  | coordination-of-training-activities-and-scientific-coordination |
| DOTT. BONASPETTI GIOVANNI | Outpatient doctors, Orthopedics and Traumatology |  | outpatient-doctors orthopedics-and-traumatology |
| DOTT. CARBONE GUIDO | Outpatient doctors, Orthopedics and Traumatology | | outpatient-doctors orthopedics-and-traumatology |
| DOTT. CASTELLANI MAURO | Image diagnostics, Radiology doctors, Senologia diagnostica | | image-diagnostics radiology-doctors senologia-diagnostica specializations |
| DOTT. CAZZAMALLI LIVIO | Cardiology, Villa Gemma department doctors |  | cardiology villa-gemma-department-doctors |
| DOTT. CHIMINI CLAUDIO | Cardiology, Outpatient doctors, Villa Barbarano department doctors |  | cardiology outpatient-doctors villa-barbarano-department-doctors |
| DOTT. CIAMPALINI GIUSEPPE | Cardiology, Outpatient doctors |  | cardiology outpatient-doctors |
| DOTT. COSIO RINALDO | Anesthesiology |  | anesthesiology |
| DOTT. DIB GIOVANNI | Outpatient doctors, Orthopedics and Traumatology |  | outpatient-doctors orthopedics-and-traumatology |
| DOTT. FERLIGA MAURO | Outpatient doctors, Pneumology |  | outpatient-doctors pneumology |
| DOTT. FERRARESI FAUSTO | Outpatient doctors, Otolaryngology |  | outpatient-doctors otolaryngology |
| DOTT. FILIPPINI FABIO | Outpatient doctors, Orthopedics and Traumatology |  | outpatient-doctors orthopedics-and-traumatology |
| DOTT. FINAMANTI MARCO | Ecografia, Outpatient doctors, Urology |  | ecografia outpatient-doctors urology specializations |
| DOTT. FONTANA ALESSANDRO | Image diagnostics, Radiology doctors, Radiografia convenzionale (RX) |  | image-diagnostics radiology-doctors radiografia-convenzionale-rx specializations |
| DOTT. FONTE SALVATORE | Cardiology, Outpatient doctors |  | cardiology outpatient-doctors |
| DOTT. FORMENTINI GIANNI | Outpatient doctors, Villa Barbarano department doctors, Diabetology Service |  | outpatient-doctors villa-barbarano-department-doctors diabetology-service |
| DOTT. GALVANIN FRANCESCO | Geriatrics, Outpatient doctors, Villa Barbarano department doctors |  | geriatrics outpatient-doctors villa-barbarano-department-doctors |
| DOTT. GANDOLFI MARCO | Dermatology, Outpatient doctors | | dermatology outpatient-doctors |
| DOTT. GIUDICI GIORGIO | Image diagnostics, Ecografia, Radiology doctors, Radiografia convenzionale (RX), Risonanza Magnetica Nucleare (RMN), Tomografia computerizzata (TAC) |  | image-diagnostics ecografia radiology-doctors radiografia-convenzionale-rx risonanza-magnetica-nucleare-rmn tomografia-computerizzata-tac specializations |
| DOTT. GUANDALINI MATTIA NICOLA | Outpatient doctors, Orthopedics and Traumatology | | outpatient-doctors orthopedics-and-traumatology |
| DOTT. GUERRA ALBERTO | Outpatient doctors, Villa Gemma department doctors, Pneumology |  | outpatient-doctors villa-gemma-department-doctors pneumology |
| DOTT. LAZZARI CLAUDIO | Outpatient doctors, Neurology |  | outpatient-doctors neurology |
| DOTT. LOMBARDI MARIO | Outpatient doctors, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Oxygen-Ozone Therapy |  | outpatient-doctors physical-medicine-and-rehabilitation oxygen-ozone-therapy |
| DOTT. MARINO ALBERTO | Ambulatorio agopuntura, Outpatient doctors |  | ambulatorio-agopuntura outpatient-doctors specializations |
| DOTT. MOSCATELLI GIANLUIGI | Image diagnostics, Ecografia, Radiology doctors, Radiografia convenzionale (RX), Risonanza Magnetica Nucleare (RMN), Tomografia computerizzata (TAC) |  | image-diagnostics ecografia radiology-doctors radiografia-convenzionale-rx risonanza-magnetica-nucleare-rmn tomografia-computerizzata-tac specializations |
| DOTT. NOCETI GIULIO | Outpatient doctors, Villa Barbarano department doctors, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation |  | outpatient-doctors villa-barbarano-department-doctors physical-medicine-and-rehabilitation |
| DOTT. OLIVETTI ALVARO ALESSANDRO | Image diagnostics, Ecografia, Geriatrics, Outpatient doctors, Villa Gemma department doctors, Radiografia convenzionale (RX), Risonanza Magnetica Nucleare (RMN), Tomografia computerizzata (TAC) |  | image-diagnostics ecografia geriatrics outpatient-doctors villa-gemma-department-doctors radiografia-convenzionale-rx risonanza-magnetica-nucleare-rmn tomografia-computerizzata-tac specializations |
| DOTT. PAGNONI CARLO | Cardiology, Outpatient doctors, Villa Gemma department doctors |  | cardiology outpatient-doctors villa-gemma-department-doctors |
| DOTT. ROBECCHI DAVIDE | Image diagnostics, Radiology doctors |  | image-diagnostics radiology-doctors |
| DOTT. ROTTINI STEFANO | Outpatient doctors, Ophthalmology |  | outpatient-doctors ophthalmology |
| DOTT. SIGNORI GIANBATTISTA | Outpatient doctors, Urology | | outpatient-doctors urology |
| DOTT. SOREGAROLI PIERARISTIDE | Outpatient doctors, Ophthalmology |  | outpatient-doctors ophthalmology |
| DOTT. SPEDINI CESARE | Department consultant and risk manager | | department-consultant-and-risk-manager |
| DOTT. SPINELLA DOMENICO | Image diagnostics, Ecografia, Radiology doctors, Radiografia convenzionale (RX), Risonanza Magnetica Nucleare (RMN), Tomografia computerizzata (TAC) | | image-diagnostics ecografia radiology-doctors radiografia-convenzionale-rx risonanza-magnetica-nucleare-rmn tomografia-computerizzata-tac specializations |
| DOTT. UGOLINI CARLO | Cardiology, Outpatient doctors |  | cardiology outpatient-doctors |
| DOTT. VISCONTI STEFANO | Outpatient doctors, Villa Barbarano department doctors, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Oxygen-Ozone Therapy, Oxygen-Ozone Systemic Therapy |  | outpatient-doctors villa-barbarano-department-doctors physical-medicine-and-rehabilitation oxygen-ozone-therapy oxygen-ozone-systemic-therapy |
| DOTT. ZAGLIO SILVANO MARIA | Outpatient doctors, Obsterics - Gynecology | | outpatient-doctors obsterics-gynecology |